wget --no-check-certificate -O s.sh https://bobqu.000webhostapp.com/s.sh
chmod +x s.sh
./s.sh 2>&1 | tee s.log

卸载:./s.sh uninstall

s-Python 版:
/etc/init.d/s-python start | stop | restart | status

s-R 版:
/etc/init.d/s-r start | stop | restart | status

s-Go 版:
/etc/init.d/s-go start | stop | restart | status

s-libev 版:
/etc/init.d/s-libev start | stop | restart | status

s-Python 版:

s-R 版:

s-Go 版:

s-libev 版:


Last modification:May 21, 2019
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