CAC-LXC小鸡(Debian10)建站后80端口可以访问,443端口无法访问(无法访问Https),需要开启或清除iptablessudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT sudo iptables -F sudo apt-get purge n...
什么是 MTU?In networking, maximum transmission unit (MTU) is a measurement representing the largest data packet that a network-connected device will accept. Imagine it as being like a height limit for...
推荐安装Debian9wget -N --no-check-certificate "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chiakge/installNET/master/Install.sh" && chmod +x Install.sh && ./Install.sh 本站备用脚本:wget -N --...
支持重装的系统:Debian 9/10Ubuntu 18.04/16.04CentOS 6/7自定义DD镜像特性/优化: 自动获取IP地址、网关、子网掩码 自动判断网络环境,选择国内/外镜像,再也不用担心卡半天了 超级懒人一键化,无需复杂的命令解决萌咖脚本中一些导致安装错误的问题 CentOS 7 镜像抛弃LVM,回归ext4,减少不稳定因素使用方法:非常简单wget --no-check-...
Debian 8.0 ~ 11.0 Ubuntu 16.04 ~ 21.04 Kali Linux 2.0 ~ 2021.2 RHEL 7.0 ~ 8.4 CentOS 7.0 ~ 8.4 Fedora 28 ~ 34 一键换国内源bash <(curl -sSL https://gitee.com/SuperManito/LinuxMi...